Inspiration / Recipes

Tips for a January Detox

After overindulging during Christmas, January is always a good time to start planning and preparing for a happy and healthy new year. If you’re hoping to eat better and live well then it’s important to kick the year off in the right way, and a January detox is a good place to start.

We’ve all made New Year’s resolutions that we’ve struggled to keep, so we’ve put together a few handy tips to help you stay focused and motivated if you’re starting a detox this January.

Make Reachable Goals

Couple In Sports Clothes Holding Up Hands

When choosing your challenges and resolutions, it’s really important to make sure that they are achievable! Setting goals that are within reach will keep you motivated and prevent you from becoming disheartened with resolutions that feel unattainable. Remember, there’s nothing wrong with taking baby steps!

Speaking of Steps…

Fitness lady walking

Invest in a pedometer and vow to walk more! If the gym is not for you then try waking 10,000 steps a day. Almost anyone, regardless of your level of fitness, should be able to achieve this and it’s known to significantly improve your health, as well as burning those excess calories.

Go Dry for January

Line of Fresh Fruit Juices With Pretty Straws

Going ‘dry’ for January and kerbing your alcohol intake is a good way to cut back on calories after Christmas. With the party season now over it should be much easier to avoid the temptation of drinking. Going dry can also help you stay focused on eating well. Hangovers are often the cause of unhealthy eating as they make us more likely to crave bad food and less likely to cook it ourselves!

Plan Ahead

Healthy vegan snack

Buying or preparing dinner and snacks in advance will help you to keep on track. If you’ve got fresh food in the fridge or a healthy snack in your bag then this is what you’ll reach for when you’re hungry. Making your own lunch rather than buying a pre-made alternative also helps you keep a record of exactly what you’re eating, as you know everything that’s gone into it. Planning meals ahead can also help you save money on expensive packaged lunches and prevents you from wasting food you already have at home.

Keep a lookout for upcoming posts on our favourite healthy recipes from around the web, handpicked for you to try out this January.

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