Recommend a friend and you both win
Know someone with a Wren kitchen, or want to refer someone who would love one? You and a friend can enjoy £200 each if your referral results in a kitchen purchase.
How it works
Invite your friends
To refer someone, you need to have had a Wren kitchen delivered with a minimum order value of £5,000. Enter your friend's name and email and if they buy a kitchen with us, you both receive a reward of £200 each.
Track their progress
Our recommend a friend tracker will show you your friend's progress from the initial invitation and then right through to buying a Wren kitchen.
Get your reward
Your payment will be made as soon as your friend's kitchen has been delivered in full. Your friend's reward will be discounted from their initial quote and later discounted from their finalised order.
Frequently Asked Questions
What if I don't want to be recommended by someone?
If you would like to remove a recommendation, visit your account overview and click the X next to their name.
How can I see the status of my recommendation?
You can view the status of your recommendation by visiting your account and viewing your friend's order tracker. This tracker shows all relevant steps in their order and marks when the recommendation is complete and eligible for payment.
When can I start making recommendations?
Referrals can be made after your order is delivered, if it was £5,000 or more.
How is my reward payment made?
You will receive payment as soon as your friend's kitchen has been delivered in full.
How much does the referee kitchen have to cost?
The referee has to have a kitchen that costs over £5,000.
Terms & Conditions
*Learn more about our current offers and promotions, as well as our pricing.
**UK's Number 1 Kitchen Retailer see here.
†Subject to Status. You must be 18 years and over and a UK resident for the last 3 years. Minimum spend and minimum 10% deposit required.
Finance provided by Creation Consumer Finance Ltd which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered Office: Chadwick House, Blenheim Court, Solihull, West Midlands B91 2AA
Wren Kitchens Limited, The Nest, Falkland Way, Barton-upon-Humber, DN18 5RL (Company Registered Number 06799478) is a credit broker and not a lender. Finance provided by Creation Consumer Finance Ltd which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered Office: Chadwick House, Blenheim Court, Solihull, West Midlands B91 2AA.
To contact Wren Kitchens please visit our contact details page here