Organisation tips

It’s time to get organised

As we say hello to summer and more sunshine comes poring through windows and into every corner, it’s time to get your house looking shipshape.

A key part of every big clean-up is decluttering. Getting things off surfaces, furniture and floors not only clears space- it also clears your mind. But what to do with all the stuff that’s been laying around? Instead of automatically reaching for bin bags, think about clever storage options instead.

Wren brings you some top tips to help make sure your home is neat and well organised, and ready for you to step into the new season.

Keep it clean

Instead of having all your cleaning products scattered randomly around the kitchen, why not consolidate them all into a bucket or an under sink caddy! This will save you time as you no longer need to go through multiple cabinets looking for the right products- just grab the caddy and go!

Happy cook

Organise your pots and pans drawers according to how you use them. Frequently used ones need to be at the front or easily reachable to save time and cut stress while cooking. Our deep drawers provide space for all your pots, pans and colanders and planning magic corners in your base units mean no cupboard space is wasted. If you have the space, a utility room is worth the investment to provide maximum storage- it’s the perfect place to store items you use less frequently.

Home office

If your kitchen has started doubling up as your home office, the sight of paperwork and files on the kitchen surface can be the last thing you want to see when you’ve moved into evening mode! Consider having a home office planned into your kitchen- it could be the corner of the room with doors to shut it all away, or simply a gap in a run of units for your chair, with drawers for storing all your work things close at hand.

Keep your cool

The fridge is one of the most used appliances in your home, so having an organised and efficient one will not only make your life easier but save time and cut waste. Everyday items eaten the most should be at the front of the fridge or on an eye-level shelf, so they are easy to see, and grab. This way, you can keep track of what food needs replacing and what hasn’t been eaten. Before choosing a new fridge take a look at how much capacity it has, and what extra storage features it includes such as extra-large drawers for fruit and vegetables or a built-in wine rack or egg shelf.

Open up

Open shelves are the perfect place to store things you like to look at and use regularly. If you already have shelves, then why not reassess what is being stored on them to make them work better for you, as well as looking neat and attractive? In the kitchen, swap old novels for recipe and educational books, dedicate one for devices and don’t forget your beautiful houseplants. If you don’t have shelves, plan some into your new kitchen.

Spice it up

Oils, vinegars, sauces, and spices and become a feature of your kitchen if they’re stored neatly. Arranging them with their label facing front not only looks smart, it helps you easily find what you are looking for. Stack them according to usage, so have the most used in easy reach or on a lower shelf, and make sure you put new items behind them. Explore options such as midway units, LeMans larder units and special open shelves to keep them neat and within reach.

Furry Friends

As much as we love our furry friends they come with a lot of stuff! Our pet bed units create a safe and happy space for a member of the family who usually calls the kitchen home. Not only do they come in three sizes to accommodate the most popular dog breeds- and cats- they also have drawers and shelves to keep all their equipment in one place.

Feeling inspired? Take a look at our kitchen storage tips to help you get organised this Summer, or head over to our Instagram to see how our customers are utilising their kitchen storage.

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