
How to Create a Calming Kitchen Space

Here are five easy steps to create a haven out of the hub of your home with peace and tranquillity, even if you are surrounded by chaos!

From style to organisation and accessory tips, these easy-to-follow steps will soon restore order in your kitchen space once again…

Organise & Declutter

Take it one cabinet at a time – a tidy home equals a tidy mind. Just remember, you don’t have to tidy the whole kitchen at once, just take your time and do it in steps.

Do a clean sweep of each shelf in your kitchen: If it’s unopened and in-date, donate it. If it’s opened or expired, put it in the bin. When you’re done, group similar items together. Then, do the fridge and freezer next.

Purchase organisers such as cutlery drawer dividers, plate and pan lid racks and air-tight jars. Keep on top of it as you go along, this will keep you organised and stress-free with everything in easy reach!

Calming Colours

It’s no surprise that the colours of sea and nature can have a calming influence on your whole mood. Keep it neutral by choosing cabinet colours such as Pebble, Fossil Grey, Olive, China Blue and Sea Foam.

Bring the Outside In

Bringing the essence of nature inside your kitchen offers calming vibes. Plants are renowned to offer a calming effect such as a Peace Lilly that purifies the air, prevents mildew formation and according to Feng Shui, brings positive energy and a peaceful touch to the room.

Natural Textiles and Materials

Timber tables, light-woven tablecloths, hessian napkins, rattan bar stools and stone vases are your kitchen’s easiest facelift. Their natural and neutral elements bring a sense of order and calm to your space.

Or go one step further, and give your kitchen a revamp with naturally-inspired units such as our Elements range with hues such as Scandi-inspired Swiss Oak, warming Metallic Gold and textured Stone Linen – the possibilities are endless.

Create Space on Your Worktops

Clear all those utensil pots and knick-knacks from your worktops – most of it can go! Give the area a wipe down and store away anything that you don’t use on a somewhat regular basis. You’ll bring harmony to your home’s busiest room, and plus it will be easier to clean.

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